Shipping Policy
Question: Does the item come with free shipping?
Answer: Yes, Free express shipping service is provided by us.
Question: How to check the status of my package?
Answer: Get your tracking number from order detail or your email send from us.
Question: How long does delivery time usually take?
Answer: The product will be delivered within 10-12 days after purchase.
Question: How long is your product processing or handling time?
Answer: It will take 4-5 days to process your product after ordering!
Question: Can you provide a signed receipt certificate?
Answer: Unfortunately, due to the epidemic, we are unable to provide a signed receipt certificate at this time, but we will resume this service once the epidemic has improved. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
Question: What countries do you ship to?
Answer: Currently, we only ship in the United States of America
Question: How will my product be shipped?
Answer: We use express delivery services to ensure quick, safe delivery.
Question: I ordered more than one item. Will they all be delivered at the same time?
Answer: If all items are purchased on the same day, we try our best to make sure they are all delivered at the same time. Products that are purchased on different days have a lower likelihood of being delivered together.
Question: Can I change my delivery address after the product has already been shipped?
Answer: Unfortunately, we cannot change shipment information once the product is en route.
Question: What do I need to do when I received a product that's different from what I ordered?